The other day someone commented on my Instagram asking me to post something “fall inspired plzzzz”. And to that I said, say less. Got in the kitchen that afternoon and brought these pumpkin spice rice krispies I’ve been thinking about for some time now, to life.
3 tests later, and we have it! One thing I learned is more marshmallows are not always better. Crazy yes. Because I know no bounds when making my 17th roasted marshmallow typically. However, the mixture gets heavy, gloppy and just - not it. So for me, this is the ideal mix of crispy rice, crunchy cornflakes, spice and nuuuutty brown butter.

And it’s the perfect snack to accompany a movie marathon, or perhaps a Gossip Girl marathon like I’ve had going on for a few weeks now. Society is really divided between the Gilmore Girls girls and the Gossip Girls girls.
Anyway do what you will with this recipe. I also wrapped them up in parchment paper and tied with string to not only preserve their freshness and prevent me from inhaling every single one, but they make such a fun treat to throw in your bag and bring to friends!! My friends literally called me the old grandma that always has snacks in her bag lol. And that’s all I’ve ever wanted to be so, huge compliment.
In other news, I’m hosting my first gathering/girls night at the new place this weekend and I’m so excited. I’m calling it “a bitchy witchy wonderland” because everyone knows it’s the season of the witch. I’m going for a chic, elevated spooky aesthetic. I’ve been out of the game for like 3 months now so I have to grease up my wheels. Still working on the menu, but I’ll share everything I have planned so far, the invites I sent out, and some inspo if you’re also wanting to host your gaggle of girls this season ;)
But first, treats!