GUYSSSS!! I cannnot believe it’s Christmas weekend, literally where did the time go. I’m really not one of those people that leaves their tree up for months after, but this year I got a mini 4 ft one that sits on a side table and I’m just so obsessed with how cute and petite she is, I may have to keep her around…

And these two recipes will also be kept around because they’re probably the two favorite things I made this month.
cacio e pepe arancini (rice balls)
lambrusco sangria
peppermint mocha hot choccy with homemade marshmallow fluff (!!!)
Lambrusco has been having a little moment! Maybe I live under a damn rock but I’ve never heard of it in my life until I saw Justine’s Table spritz with it. And lo and behold, it indeed exists, is quite easy to find and sits in the sparkling wine section of the liquor store. And if you’ve saw on my Instagram, POM sent me about 36 pomegranates the other day and like 25 jugs of juice so naturally, I made a pomegranate sangria with the two. And it’s so so good.
As for the hot chocolate, it’s literally just christmas morning in a cup. Come on!!!!