HELLOOOO world! I have risen from my hibernation and I am back to cook myself back into another hibernation. After Thanksgiving I needed a little ~rest~ from pretty much…everything. I was giving overstimulated. But I’ve just been beaming with Christmas vibes lately. I covered every doorway in my apartment with fresh wreath, I’m exclusively listening to christmas music (it’s getting a little repetitive for sure), and I’m drinking hot chocolate like it’s water. I’m ready.
And if there’s one thing I stan for this season, it’s:
~ the bow ~

I am genuinely sorry if you’re sick of it, because I’m just getting started. Starting with this wreath stromBOWli!!! When I first posted it on Instagram my dm’s were flooded with messages saying “strom-bow-li” and I actually couldn’t believe I missed the opportunity to say that. But I’m doin’ it now.
PLUS, I’m so excited to introduce our very own cookbook club in here. I figured if we’re going to cook and bake ourselves into oblivion the next few months, we may as well share with our internet besties. More on that + a poll to choose our first book below.
But for now, I present to you the most delicious, addicting, cute lil wreath stromboli that is bound to make you the star of wherever you bring her. And we love attention around here <3